Unit 11 "For the Equal Rights Amendment" by shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm House Joint Resolution 264, before us today, which provides for equality under the law for both men and women, represents one of the most clear-cut opportunities we are likely to have to declare our faith in the principles that shaped our Constitution. It provides a legal basis for attack on the most subtle, most pervasi..
Unit 14. "Faith, Truth and Tolerance in America" By Edward M. Kennedy "미국의 믿음, 진실 그리고 관용 " I have come here to discuss my beliefs about faith and country, tolerance and truth in America. I know we begin with certain disagreements; I strongly suspect that at the end of the evening some of our disagreements will remain. But I also hope that tonight and in the months and years ahead, we will always..
매우 유명한, 지금은 고인이 된 세기의 천재, 아이폰의 아버지, 애플의 창업주이자 CEO 였던 스티브 잡스의 스텐포드대학 졸업식 연설입니다. 유명한 동영상과 글이니 만큼 그냥 지나치기 쉽지만 한번은 정독해 보시길 바랍니다. Unit 15 "You've got to find what you love" by Steve Jobs I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college. This is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. To..
트리거 파트2에 실린 빌게이츠의 글 중 하나로 월스트리트 저널 아시판 판에 실렸던 글입니다.(In an essay published in the May 8, 2008 edition of the Wall Street Journal Asia, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates writes about the role of both public and private entities in providing universal access to technology to the worldwide population) 정보의 시대에서 공공과 민간이 함께하여 더욱 진일보한 세상에 관한 단상을 이야기 하고 있습니다. 좋은 사례로 한국의 예가 나오고 있습니다. 지금은 전세계적으로 상향 평준화되어 있습니다만..
Unit 17. Tranformation of the wolf man from the tibetan Buddhist tradition comes the following story: 늑대 인간의 변화 티베트의 불교 전통에서 다음의 이야기가 전해져 온다: Shalipa was a low-caste woodcutter who lived near the charnel ground of Bighapur. Packs of wolves came by night to eat the corpses (in a charnel ground, corpses are simply deposited on the ground to decay or be eaten by wild animals). The wolves howled all..
심리학자인 스티븐 핑커가 자신의 게놈지도를 분석해 본 뒤 쓴 글입니다. 원문 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/magazine/11Genome-t.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1& Unit 18. My Genome, My self By steven pinker One of the perks of being a psychologist is access to tools that allow you to carry out the injunction to know thyself. I have been tested for vocational interest (closest match: psychologist), intelligence(above average), persona..